practice areas

“A will is a wondrous thing. It confers a modicum of immortality.”
Nathan Roth
Your estate is everything you own, or have an interest in. Your home, your beach house, your money and investments, your retirement accounts and life insurance, your collection of snuff bottles. Planning is the process of figuring out who will or should get your estate, either during your life or after your death. Planning is deciding who will make health care decisions and handle your finances if you are unable to do so. It’s about how you want to be cared for if you are no longer able to live alone. It’s about giving you control.

“We’re all slated for death, whether we be grand or ordinary”
Horace, Satire II, vi
The fear of probate is pervasive and deep seated. Horror stories have become part of our cultural legacy: it takes forever; the costs and attorneys fee are confiscatory; everyone will know my business. Will contests are regular staples in the popular press.
We’re here to reassure you that not all of the common wisdom is true. Life immediately after the death of a spouse, parent, or anyone that you have been close to can be frustrating and confusing. If you have been designated the person responsible for the decedent’s affairs, or if you are voluntarily assuming this responsibility, we can provide a guiding hand throughout the entire process.

“He which hath business, and makes love, doth do
Such wrong, as when a married man doth woo.”
Break of Day, John Donne
We have personal experience in running a small business. Our founding attorney “opened up shop” the day after she was first admitted to the bar, more than 40 years ago. We understand the issues that come up, the questions you may have. We work hard to understand both you and your business.

“‘Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes.”
Christopher Bullock, The Cobler of Preston (1716)
The anxiety produced by the web of federal and state laws and regulations cause confusion and anxiety among many individuals and businesses. We are here to offer advice on navigating through the complexity to achieve results that match with your goals. We have decades of experience dealing directly with the IRS and state tax authorities to resolve all kinds of individual and business tax issues on behalf of our clients.